Simple Tunnel Screen Sharing (with Automator)


Simple Tunnel Screen Sharing is an Automator Application Workflow to create and remember SSH tunnel settings and connect via Screen Sharing.

This little bit of automation simplifies the task of connecting to VNC servers securely through an SSH Tunnel.

It checks to see if there are any remote hosts already known and available, and remembers the last used port, user, and password of each successful connection. It also automatically adds unknown hosts to the known hosts selection.

Simple Tunnel Screen Sharing is licensed as Freeware.


  • Snow Leopard Mac OS 10.6 or higher
  • Automator 2 or higher
  • Screen Sharing utility that is pre-installed with Snow Leopard
  • ssh-agent that is pre-installed with Snow Leopard

I have not really done any testing with this other than on my own Snow Leopard system. I decided to release in case it could be useful for others out there, but please if anyone has any problems suggestions or improvements, I am all ears. Comments are welcome. Thanks.



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5 responses to “Simple Tunnel Screen Sharing (with Automator)”

  1. Alexey Avatar

    Can you explain how to make such automation?
    I have Mac and Windows machines behind Linux server (ssh accessible)
    Mac – Linux (ssh) – Mac (VNC), Windows (RDP)

    Or show sources please…

    1. jimisaacs Avatar

      You can actually open the file within Automator to view it as the workflow. You can even modify to your specific needs if you would like. All in all, you can get in there view the actions to see how it is done. Sorry, I'm not going to post an entire walkthrough here, that's why I made a workflow. If you have any specific questions about the workflow one you go through it, let me know.

      1. Alexey Avatar

        Thank you! I will try this.

  2. […] Simple Tunnel Screen Sharing with Automator […]

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