• Fedora 13, Virtualization, and Local DNS

    My New Setup – Part 1 I’ve had a blog for quite some time, and realized that I haven’t been posting as often as I could. Which is why I figured – why not post my progress on my current geeky endeavours? Recently I have been having a lot of fun and putting a lot…

  • WordIgniter, WordPress + CodeIgniter

    This post has been up for a while and I think it’s time to make this note. The comments of this post have taken on a life of their own in terms of information. This means that the comments are just as, or nearly more important than the post itself. Please, read through the comments…

  • Windows, XAMPP, and CYGWIN

    I’ve really been geeking-out lately setting up a couple virtual servers for recreation development. I’ve had my Linux VPS up and running for quite some time, with all the bells and whistles I could ever want. Until recently I have never really felt the necessity for a Windows server. Of course when I finally did,…

  • UI For Dummies

    I have been a designer for 10 years now as well as a developer for 6, and I’d like to say I have some knowledge on the subject of interactive design. That being said, it always seems like I am the one that can break any user interface. This can be an operating system GUI…

  • The Hoff CRM

    Before you ask yourself if this is real. I was asked to change an icon in a CRM application when a dollar sign was deemed offensive to the prime user. This was my solution, and you are right… nobody has noticed yet. Maybe they will find this post to finally realize it. Until then, I’ll…

  • Extensible Widgets

    I will keep the content of this post for logging purposes, but all further information and updates will be available on the WordPress plugin page. The version that I offered for the very first beta release is no longer available. If for any reason you still wish to obtain it, please contact me directly with…

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